Random comments on Comics, Horror, Sci Fi, Candy, Books, Nail Polish, Video Games and whatever else manages to hold my attention for longer than 5 minutes.
I love Pop Rocks, Polaris, free food, Supernatural, comic Wednesdays, MMORPGs, bubbly liquids, grapefruit, hoodies, my niece, chowder (the cartoon not the food) & bruce campbell.
I dislike capital letters, fergie, avocados, attention whores, spiders, bad artwork in my comics, driving and being sick.
Green Lantern Green Lantern Corps X-Factor X-Men Legacy Uncanny X-Men New Avengers Fables Jack of Fables Guardians of the Galaxy Supernatural Dresden Files Ms. Marvel Agents of Atlas Dark Avengers Thunderbolts Titans Teen Titans Rebels Runaways Kick Ass Avengers Initiative Marvel Zombies Deadpool