Friday, January 30, 2009

Surely Batman never cries.

I love this cartoon, it reminds me of Batman The Animated Series. The one that brought about the creation of Harley Quinn. (Love her.) This week Batman isn't really teaming up with anyone cause he got toxic puke in his face and as a result is ill and has purple bumps (pimples?) all over him. Aquaman and the Atom shrink and go on an adventure in Batman's internals. I'd just like to interject that this show has increased my desire to one day own the Batmobile. It's also a voice activated submarine! How awesome is that?!??! I'll go back on topic and end with the following.
Aqua Man is muscle bound asshole......and I love him.

p.s. Next week Batman teams up with Green Lantern. HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

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