Just like tons of other people the currently fucked up economy has had a negative effect on my financial situation. I don't have the excess money to spend on non-essentials like I used to so it pisses me off even more when that money gets wasted. I've seriously cut back on my pull list & I'm irritated enough to start cutting back even more now.
I don't like being forced to pay for comics I don't want. With DC putting that stupid Power Girl story into every comic I picked up is really freaking annoying! Why not use the space to extend the story of the comic I actually wanted to read? If I cared about Power Girl & her mammoth chesticles I'd read JSA but I don't. Nothing annoys me more than to be excited about the length of a comic I spent my dwindling funds on only to find out that half the book is an Advertisement!?!?!?! Is this DCs version of not rasing their prices?
Oh yeah, picked up the new Flash book & thought it was great (other than the infomercial). Only thing that is still bugging me is Barry Allen's magic shirt. While he is in the Flash mueseum with Hal Jordan his shirt changes from white to red. Honestly, if the pages hadn't been facing each other I probably wouldn't have noticed. I'm just being irritable I guess.
For the first time in a long time I loved an X-Men comic. Uncanny X-Men #508 made me a very very happy girl. Next issue has Psylocke on the cover & I am so looking forward to it that it's a little sad.
*Masterless Samurai
1 month ago